Saturday, January 2, 2010

The 7 Prayers

(taken from

okay it is 2010, time goes so fast i guess krrrrr and starting this 2010's first second day, i've been thinking to make a kinda prayer for everyone i love :)

so here we go THE PRAYERS


Deden Rucita Hidayat Ahmad Natamanggala-Rifka Netawati

mom dad :) thanks for always being my affirmative side even when i was wrong. i cant make you proud now, i have nothing to be proud of now, but i'll show you that i have a thing to be proud of one day for sure :D

mamah makasih udah selalu jadi temen curhat yang baik, temen nangis yang asik hehe ga pernah bisa boong deh sama mama :) makasih udah selalu masakin makanan yang enaak banget, walaupun kadang suka sibuk, but your love is everywhere mom. makasih juga udah selalu jadi guru buat kita, ngajarin baca, tulis, and berhitung, ngenalin kita ke dunia luar dan selalu membangun kepercayaan diri kita :)

papah :) the strong man hehe yang selalu mengabulkan apa aja yang anaknya minta. terkadang arguing sama anak-anaknya, but in the end selalu ada penjelasan panjang ttg hal yg kita argue hehe makasih udah selalu menyempatkan waktu ngasih kita nice vacation, ngenalin ke kita apa itu bahasa inggris haha and thanks for always buying me ice cream and chocolate, for always cheering up my mood dad :D

and for all love and care that you've given to me, i cant give you anything except a prayer mom dad. i hope Allah will always give you health and wealth, and also happiness :) seeing your smile everyday is the only thing that i want. tambah romantic ya mah pah, jangan berantem-berantem :)


  • My Beloved F Family

being with all of you was a fate (probably) hehe 3 years with all of you guys was a so much fun. having our own world and our own rules, isolated from the others, hating by some teachers, but somehow they're proud of us, having a-week-not-studying-detention and (stupidly) we were playing on that week instead of evaluating ourselves, having a big match called NAMEK CUP in lapangan tanah merah every saturdays, having additional time, and we were praying that additional time would be abolished but it has never come true -___- and many more guys that i cant tell it, so many memories of us :)

and a single prayer that i can give to my 36 bestfriends i love the most is hope we'll be a success person someday :D starting by graduating with the outstanding grades in this 2010 and getting our fav university (AAMIIIN)

we are The F Family, the one and only :)

  • Andina Anggarani, Affianto Diaz, Aditya Prasetyo

ANDINA ANGGARANI : my best sit mate hahaha si mamah, padahal tuaan gue, tapi lebih dewasa lu ndun :) semoga dapet FK UNPADnya, terus langgeng sama Erlan Firmanyah anak Tekhnik Kimia UGM, sampe nanti nikah dan punya anak 11 :D

AFFIANTO DIAZ : titooo :D informan gue haha thanks ya to udah nemenin gue dan memberi nasihat-nasihat lu selama gue liburan hihi semoga dapet ya STEI ITB and you'll find your someone special there :)

ADITYA PRASETYO : my 12th years (and probably+hoping there will be more years) besties :) orang yg paling setia gue pukul+maki-maki kalo lg kesel. orang yang tahan denger rengekan gue slama 12th ini hehe dan orang yg paling rajin bantuin+motivate me, having the same dream as me : living in singapore. pinus doain semoga pintu dapet Nanyang Technology University, Singapore yaa :D it's your dream, Where the World is your classroom :)

  • Fajar Febrianto Valiyan-Ashriza Noor Hikmah Susyanto

bujang-icha :) a couple that make my relationship comes clearer hahaha

BUJANG : matanya subhanallah jangan pernah melototin gue pake mata lu itu! bisa-bisa nangis saking ngerinya hahaha mudah-mudahan dapet FK nya yaa, ayo jadi dokter kandungan yang paling hebat :D

ICHA : my hear hear 2nd speaker :D no one is more "nyolot" than her hahaha semoga HI UInya dapet ya dear :)

BUJANG-ICHA : jangan berantem-berantem ah! gue yang pusing kalo kalian berantem hehe langgeng ya kalian :D



MUHAMMAD LUTHFI : my hear hear 3rd speaker :) be a success man as you always wanted ya, reach your dream, make it comes true. gue selalu admire lu yg selalu punya pemikiran dan pandangan yg berbeda tentang segala hal. GREAT!

HINDUN WILDA RISNI : ah my well structurized 1st speaker :D selalu kagum bagaimana lu bisa menyusun semuanya serapih itu ;) tetep semangat ya jen, jangan cepet rungsing sendiri, get your dream dear :D

INDIRA LAKSMITA YASMINE-DIAH PUSPA KHAIRANI-LARASATI ANDAYANI : teman sepergantungan hahaha guys kalian selalu bisa bikin aku ketawa :D increase your ability ya, as the newbies you guys are great :) semoga bisa dapet more achievements in debating championship, and semoga prestasi di kelasnya juga bagus yah :)

WINDU MASARDI : hahaha the physicist :) ayo aktif lagi debatenya, sukses ya buat olimpiade fisikanya nanti :D

GYNA ALIFIA QONITA : selalu admire how gyna arrange those words, and turn them into a beautiful sentence :) semoga prestasi di kelasnya smakin bagus gyn, jangan twitteran aja! haha

  • Kingdom Of Science II

my fav class in my high school :) 40 orang yg mahsaoloh subhanallah ga ada yang waras hahaha semoga semua cita-cita kita terkabul semua ya guys :) kita belajar bersama, dan akan maju bersama. lulus UN dgn nilai memuaskan+PTN fav is in our hand :D (AAAMIIIN)

  • Fiski Aditya

the red ranger :D a boy who's a maniac of power ranger hahaha actually he is 18 years old -___- temen buat cerita segalanya, dan curhat sama dia berasa lagi debating competition haha but it's nice though :) thanks for giving me a present that i've been dreaming for in my birthday, sumpah gue ga nyangka banget lu tau apa yg gue pengenin! xD semoga bisa jadi ranger someday ;D semoga dapet ITBnya :D


  • Muhammad Bayu Rucita

orang yang tinggal satu atap sama gue selama 14th ini, adik gue yg paling setia (ngeledekin gue) haha temen bercandaan gue, temen tonjok-tonjokan sampe akhirnya ntar nangis dua-duanya kalo lagi berantem. semoga dapet nilai rapot yang bagus ya, dapet 10 besar :) terus nilai UN semoga outstanding, excellent deh pokonya, terus dapet SMA 3 Bandungnya and join the baseball team there :D

  • Inaz Zahra-Rayhan Hanif Usamah-Faris Muhammad Syari'ati

3 orang yang sebenernya adik-kakak dan tiga-tiganya jadi sibling gue hahaha

FARIS : the oldest :) and now he's taking computer engineering in UGM. my first brother in high school, awal ketemu di debate team. orang yg slalu rajin ngasih gue motivasi and tips tentang ini dan itu, seluk beluk kehidupan sekolah and kuliah. semoga hasil uasnya bagus ya mas, jadi ga ada yg ngulang lagi semester depan :) belajar yg rajin (as you always tell me). moga lulus cepet biar ntar cepet nikah mas hahaha

INAS : ah my fav sister :D cantik+pinter haha setia mendengar cerita-ceritaku, dan orang pertama yg nanya kalo isi blog aku mellow. she knows me :) rajin belajar ya sayaang, semoga naik ke kelas 3 dengan hasil yg memuaskan, terus nanti dapet fakultas+univ yg dipengenin, nyusul mas faris deh :D

RAYHAN : sastrawan cilik :) pinter deh bikin cerita tentang kehidupannya, berasa kehidupan dia tu hiperbola abis haha rajin belajar reh, semoga get more achievements ya, dan semoga CEPAT TINGGI hahaha xD

  • Putri Erdisa

my new sibling :D hahaha having a complete-each-other days in this holiday by gun-ing (les pak gun) haha semoga Tekhik Kimia UGMnya bisa dapet ya dan juga graduate dgn nilai UN yg bagus :D

  • Riza Yudhistira Winarna

si mamang pulsa yg selalu rela gue utangin MAHAHAHA selalu ngeluh ke gue ttg love lifenya dan gue cuma bisa jawab "oh-hem-oh gitu ya-ooh yayaya" hahaha. semoga lulus dengan outstanding UN grades and get your UI-economic :D


  • Paskibra SMP

guys, 3 years achievements that we had get, and also a lot of memories that w've been through. Firman Fajar Saputra, Dyah Ayu Kartika, Ayu MUkhibatul, Eka Wahyu Putri Dini, Delina Sekar Ayu, Vera Nilam Sari, Hafdzy Maulana, Rully Nurika Zarifa, and mas Suparno :D thanks for colouring my junior high life, ada aja hal yg bisa bikin kita ketawa :'D hope kita akan meraih masa depan kita yg sukses, sesukses masa kita di Paskibra SMP N 1 KOTA SERANG :D


  • Kencur 08

my living mates for 2 weeks (berasa selamanya haha) :D when there is no parents, and no other person who can help you, they can :)

aaaa 2 minggu kita diasramakan menjelang 17 Agustus 2008. 50 siswa/siswi yang udah diseleksi dari berbagai Kota dan Kabupaten di Provinsi Banten, disatukan di Asrama PKP-RI selama 2 minggu. Kerjaan kita bukan hanya dilatih oleh pelatih yang mantap banget (Teh Carla Rosalinda Wodi, Bang Paundra Bayu, Bang Franky, Kang Deri Sulmawan, Bang Ujang, Kang Andri, Bang Irham dan semua Abang-abang KOPASSUS makasih yaa), tapi di asrama itu juga kita diajarkan kekompakan, kebersamaan, sharing each other, kadang menutupi kesalahan yg lain, biar ga ada yg dihukum :'D

saat ga ada orang tua, ada Bapak dan Ibu asrama yg bisa dengerin keluh kesah kita. Ayah Wisnu, pendiam banget, a wise father kalo aku bilang. beliau yg bakal naikin mood kita kalo kita udh jatoh :') rajin banget ngasih yoga buat kita setiap pagi, katanya "biar kalian relax" hihi. Bundo Catherine, awalnya galak banget, beliau yg paling rajin marah-marah and ngehukum kita, tapi belakangan jadi orang yg selalu ngebela kita, baiik banget, aduh ibu yg protect sama anaknya banget deh :D

Kencur 08, semoga kita semua lulus UN 2010 dengan hasil yg memuaskan+dapet PTN fav kita ya, terus jadi orang sukses in our future :) heart you all


Mohammad Ali Dato Madilao Tosse Lak Timor

okay, spechless for a moment cause i dont know what to write hehe but he was a friend of mine. sebelumnya ga kenal sama sekali, then a competition made us meet. Duta Bahasa, Patrajasa-Anyer :)

he is kind, but a busy boyfriend :p susah banget mau ketemu sama dia (curhat haha), tapi sekalinya ketemu, i feel like i want to trap in that time :)

he is so gentle, he knows how to treat a girl, and he knows how to treat me, and it makes me ga bisa marah sama dia krrr nyebelin, when i was mad at him, somehow he makes it vanish and dissapear into the air.

he is smart :) pinter, udah gitu rajin banget lagi belajarnya, gue jadi suka malu kalo dia lagi belajar, sedangkan gue tidur+makan mulu --" dan hal ini yg bikin gue jadi belajar rajin juga skrg, he's my (indirect) motivator :D

Duta Bahasa Terganteng 2009, hem ehm okay i write his name when there is a question like that >_<>

i know dear, it wasnt a quite good communication between us, but let's start our new chapter here, with a better understanding :) sorry for being that impatient and imperfect, maaf suka ngambekan atau marah hehe i only need you to see me dear

i had lost you once, and i dont want any regret by losing you twice. eventhough we have no quality time together for us right now, but i love you for sure, and it needs more than words to express how much i love you :)

and after all, thanks for being my best now. i hope there'll be a miracle so you can reach your dream in Berlin, Germany :) TuB Berlin, aerospace engineering, there's no word "impossible" in the wolrd's dictionary dear :D

semoga lulus dengan nilai UN yg outstanding juga, and wish our love will be everlasting :D


and in the end of this prayers, i want to pray for me, myself :) hope all of my dreams will come true. lulus dengan nilai UN yg outstanding and get my fav university :D

at least, i want to say THANKS SO MUCH for Allah SWT, the one and only God. the one who will always listen to me, listen to my prayers :)

thanks for this wonderful life that You have given to me, thanks for every extraordiinary person that has coloured my life :D and thank you so much


  1. subhanallah...
    aku disebut! aku disebut!
    hahahahaha xD

    semoga dapet FKUI dan NUS-nya ya kapik-ku sayaaaaanggg.... muah muah. let's pray for the best for each of us! :)

  2. aaaaaaamiiiin putri sayaaaaaaaang makasih ya muah muah, moga kita berdoan dapet apa yang kita pengen amiiiin :D
