Sunday, October 31, 2010


well hello everyone! :D
this is my old habit, making a posting in a-late-night. it's 2:34 a.m now, and i can't even shut my eyes down
okay, that's all for the opening. i'm making this new entry while listening to Feist, Open Season album, yes i like Feist, so much! :D

so, what was happened recently?
it's been a long time since my last entry hehe i'm so sorry -__-
ah ya, i forgot to tell you, i passed a university national selection (SNMPTN) 2010, and i've been accepted in my second choice, which is in Bogor Agriculture University (i thought it should be Institute Agriculture of Bogor *FYI we usually call it Institut Pertanian Bogor, and institut is different from university, okay whatever it is haha)
and specifically in Facultas Ekologi Manusia, Departement lmu Gizi.
but now i'm in TPB (Tingkat Persiapan Bersama), it's like i'm having my 13th grade of high school, and i also have a year temporary class here!

A year temporary class in TPB consists of all departement in IPB, it consists of around 70 students in a class, i'm in B 25 now, and it is 64 of us :D
and now i'm in the process of having my mid-term test *AAAAAAAA*
okay, skip the mid-term part -___-"
my class just won the third place in aerobic competition for all B class in TPB IPB, Fyi there are 28 classes of B.
the aerobic competition was held as the mid-term test for Sport and Art subject. it was held on 23rd of September 2010 at Gym IPB. it was supeeeeeeeeeer fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun! :D (the way i write "super fun" seems it doesnt that fun, or is it only my bad mood while writing this entry? -_-)

jadi begitula intinya wahai kawan, sebenernya seru
dan banyak seharusnya yang diceritakan
tapi berhubung mood saya lagi ga bagus, jadi mending di stop aja, daripada yang baca jadi terharu biru (?)
and it's 2:58 a.m now